So, four weeks ago I visited my doctor about an ingrown toenail and walked away on a diet. A strict high fat, low carb or ketogenic diet. The daily carbohydrate allowance for this diet is around 20g or less. That’s the amount you’d find in one banana. To reduce the intake of carbs down to this level, it essentially means no bread, no pasta, no rice or potatoes, absolutely no sugar, no beer (that’s described as liquid bread!) no cakes or pastries and no sugary drinks. All these foods are broken down into glucose which is used by the body for energy. Insulin is the key hormone that allows the cells of the body to use glucose as fuel and when we eat carbs and they are absorbed into the blood as glucose, we cause the release of insulin. Not only does insulin allow the use of glucose as a fuel, it also encourages the storage of fats. As long as the body has glucose to burn, the fat reserves we have are ignored and can cause a great deal of harm. The body likes to s...